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2016 Vernon Wilson Endowed Chair: Jerry Belich

Jerry Belich Photo

The EKU Gaming Institute is pleased to announce that Jerry Belich will be joining us this semester as the Vernon Wilson Endowed Chair in Game Design.  

Mr. Belich is an alternative game designer, using hardware, electronics, and software to create immersive interactive and storytelling experiences. He went independent in 2013 after a decade of professional software development, now consulting for other indies and companies in game design, narrative writing, and installation work. His first hardware project, the award winning Choosatron, has traveled all over the world, featured at dozens of events, and sparked imaginations all along the way! He plans on continuing creating his own inventions and games, and hopes to help many others to do the same through his talks, workshops, and through openness of his own work.  

While at EKU, Mr. Belich will lead design workshops, serve as a guest lecturer in multiple classes, give colloquia in various topics such as game design, alternate controls and crowd-funding, develop and lead STEM outreach workshops, and serve as a keynote speaker in the 2016 Vector Conference held at EKU April 30th, 2016.

Published on January 25, 2016

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