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Inside Look

EKU Top 5 at E3 College Game Competition

group photo on E3 expo floor

A group of 15 students in the Spring of 2018 joined the class Environment Design in Unreal Engine 4, a game engine freely available to the public, where they would design and build a 3D world in a semester.

New Minor in Game Content Design Starting Fall 2017

Students developing a game prototype in Unity

Students from any major will now be able to obtain a strong foundation in creating assets for games.  The EKU Gaming Institute is very excited to announce a brand new minor:

Minor in Game Content Design........................20 hours total

Director Self-Publishes 4-player Game as Example

PARA-BULL-A Title Screen

Completing a game project and releasing it is arguably one of the hardest tasks for anyone working in the game industry.  For large, AAA, studios this period of time has received the dubious title "crunch time".  For smaller, indie, studios, there is no less amount of "crunch", there just might be a few less folks affected by it.  


2016 Vernon Wilson Endowed Chair: Jerry Belich

Jerry Belich Photo

The EKU Gaming Institute is pleased to announce that Jerry Belich will be joining us this semester as the Vernon Wilson Endowed Chair in Game Design.  

Colloquium with Game Designer: Lisa Brown

Screenshot of video feed

Lisa Brown, Game Designer at Insomniac Games, shared valuable insights with EKU students.  Her experience in design on games like Resistance 3, Sunset Overdrive, and Slow Down, Bull as well as numerous game jams allowed her to share some great wisdom on how to be the most productive student in game design.

#EKUGameDevTeam starting this Fall

As part of the mission of the EKU Gaming Institute, we will begin full production cycles of video games outside of the standard semester timeframe limitations.  We are looking to build an interdisciplinary team of students with a breadth in both experience and potential necessary to produce a publishable title.

Ludum Dare 32 Games

These games were all made during a weekend for a Ludum Dare Game Jam.  Follow the links to play each game!

Live Q&A with Dan Adelman

students participating in discussion

EKU students/faculty/staff participated in a Q&A with Dan Adelman.  Dan is the former head of Digital Content and Development at Nintendo and is currently working as a consultant for indie development firms.

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